Umazi September Release and Roadmap

Sep 2022
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Kyle Bradley
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~3 min

The team has been working hard on the latest release, which includes major features and user experience improvements.
We are also very excited to share the upcoming developments planned for the last quarter of 2022!

September Release Notes

Data wallets for Individuals

We have expanded our support for individuals on our system. Making it easier to verify them and keep their information up to date.

  • Dedicated view for managing the legal persons within a company and their corresponding data
  • Multiple different channels are supported to add a person to an organization either from a 3rd party provider or done manually by the user
  • Mapping of a legal person and their different roles within the company can be configured in one place e.g. Shareholder, Executive Management, UBU etc.
  • Data collection and verification requests can be triggered to a selected individual e.g. request additional information or perform PEP/Sanctions checks

Document Management

We built out the file management module with files being mapped to their document type and associated credentials. They are tracked within the system to prevent the need to re-upload the same proof for data fields and keep an audit trail of verifications done against a particular file.

  • Dedicated view for managing the files within a company and seeing their associated metadata
  • Files made to be identifiable and searchable for users to easily be reused
  • Document types added so specific proof can be requested when asking for details e.g. require Company Registry document to prove Registration Number
  • Mapping of each file to the respective data fields that its used to prove the data's legitimacy. The file can, therefore, be updated while keeping its associated data fields

Comprehensive Company Population

New data providers have been integrated with and their responses mapped to their respective categories. Particularly, ownership information and data for trusts were the categories most requested and are now supported.

  • Auto-population of Shareholders, UBOs and Executive Management from the country's company registry
  • Trust based and expirable credentials are available
  • New data providers: WinDeed (South Africa), Who Owns Whom (South Africa) and PEP & Sanctions (Global)

New User Support

We worked on improving the experience for new users. The main focus was around compatibility with mobile devices as well the interaction with the data returned from 3rd party data providers.

  • Onboarding flows and the rest of the platform were made to be mobile-friendly
  • Reduced the requirements when registering a company or requesting data
  • Added Google Maps search for places for data categories that are address based
  • Data pulled from third party providers are mapped to their respective data category and matched against the existing information supplied

What is coming up next for Umazi


We are almost finished with this quarter's features. The only items remain are for us to integration with a Criminal Check partner and investigate the best way for us to incorporate financial related data within businesses.

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